Ah yes I’m totally a left wing shill…..

I feel that I should point out after a few messages regarding my last post that I am not a Labour shill. Not only do I not vote labour I am not particularly enamoured of them as I view both major parties in Australia as a distinction without a difference. I also decry and despair the idea of “Teams” when it comes to politics, I do not back my team no matter what. I would never actually join such a changeable entity. I tell it like it is. .. Or at least as I see it. It just so happens that I think that Tony Abbot is SO much worse than the alternative right now that it’s quietly terrifying.

So no I am not in the pocket of any political party (although I am open to offers, Clive).

Not only that. But the only way I am touched by the proposed budget is in a good way. My work and the business that I am engaged in will benefit dramatically in an “Earn or learn” environment. I stand to make a lot of money. My business is going to go bananas. But that mean that I should just sit back and support the budget? My personal gain is one thing. The long term sustainability of this tiny island nation as a country is another. Also I have this odd thing called morality that also makes it hard for me to sit back and just rake in the cash.

I’m also strongly pro-vax which means that I am also a big phrama shill. Honestly if I were really a shill for all these entities that I am suppose to be. I’d live in a MUCH nicer house.

Be a love and throw another poor person on the fire would you?

Look I don’t want to read the mind of our Prime Minister (no seriously I really don’t, they say as you gaze into the abyss so too the abyss gazes into you and….yeah just no)





but from close observation it would seem that he has an unusually punitive approach to employment. You are either employed or you are not. If you are then you are a real human being if you are not then you are a drain on our economy an no more fit to dwell in the land of the living than a maggot and should be sent forthwith to the salt mines. Sadly it seems to be an attitude that people share. But it’s a very narrow minded attitude. Much in the same way that I don’t mind funding schools because I like living in society where people are educated I don’t mind funding welfare because I don’t want to live in a desolate posts apocalyptic crime ridden landscape unless I get a 1973 Ford XB GT V8 interceptor.

There are several problems with Abbots plan for welfare which basically has changed so radically it has just stopped short of thumbscrews. But is it a good idea? Well let’s look at some facts.


  1. There are less Australians on welfare than there have been in the last 20 years.

So what the hell are we railing against? Seriously. Unemployment is low so why are we going after those that need the system that is currently in place? Sadly the answer seems to be because they are an easy target. Australians hate people who take handouts no matter how much they might need them. There is a stigma to unemployment and people who are on it are perceived as damaged goods.


  1. No-one but no-one seems to think that getting people to apply for 40 jobs a month is a good idea.

Seriously, even the business council of Australia has effetely asked “What the hell is the point of that? People will be applying for jobs uselessly”


Well...that ended badly didn't it?

Well…that ended badly didn’t it?

  1. Let’s not kid ourselves there is little benefit to Work for the Dole even for those companies who use it.

When I worked for JSA’s I often talked for workplaces that used work for the Dole people, I once asked a guy how it was going. “Oh great!” he said “lots of unskilled labour that doesn’t want to be there, it’s not like herding cats at all”


  1. Not having any income for 6 months will mean that people will have to turn to charity, family and failing that crime.

I don’t want to shock anyone, but should it come down to the fact that I am out of options I’m not just going to be a good little citizen and roll over and die. And frankly I don’t expect anyone else too either.


Irrelevant but funny.

Irrelevant but funny.


But the biggest problem is that people can want to work as much as they like but if jobs are evaporating why are we punishing them for not being able to get jobs that don’t exist? So the question that should be put to this government is “What are you doing to increase job growth” and I won’t accept “Pandering to business interests by creating a poor underclass that they can come in and exploit”. Seriously why are we removing a necessary safety net that realistically few people exploit instead of actually saying “We have an issue with job growth in this country holy crap we need to do something about that!”? Maybe because that’s hard whereas putting stress on the poor is easy. Yep that sounds like something that would come out of Tony Abbot’s mind.

Riverine Herald calls for a new sub-editor really needs new region to write about.

I’ve seen some odd Job ads in my time. There was the one that asked for professional computer skills, veterinary experience and photographic qualifications. I’m suspecting they had to settle.

There was the Add that asked for EXPERIENCED colour sorters at um…an unnamed factory that produces multi-coloured candy. When I called up and admitted that no-0ne I had on my books actually had experience but they had you know, eyes and the ability to learn; they hung up on me.

And then there’s the hyperbole that screams off the page in this recent Ad reprinted here free of charge for interested parties to peruse.


Wanted! Not just any Sub-editor

At the Riverine Herald, we work hard and we are growing.

We have a new editor, we have a sense of purpose and we are looking for someone who not only wants to work here but also wants to go places and take us, and most importantly, our readers with them.

Where are we going? …can I come!?

We don’t just want headings, we want real headlines.

As opposed to fake headlines like “Giant Robot menaces Golburn Valley region” although I would totally follow that robot.

Headlines that will make people pay attention; that will force them to read our stories.



They might be dramatic, they might be funny but they will always be clever.


Headlines? In a newspaper dramatic, funny or clever? Um can you give me three examples….?

Headlines? In a newspaper dramatic, funny or clever? Um can you give me three examples….?


Crowning a story well subbed, with no errors – and that means all the names and facts right, that’s tight, that pulls the reader from paragraph to paragraph and leaves them desperate to turn the next page.

My advice would be to fill each paragraph with shirtless pirates then,  end every paragraph with a life or death cliff-hanger.

If you want to be part of the Murray River tsunami at the Riverine Herald send us your details now and tell us why you are so good.

Is the Murry River Tsunami an actual thing? Like a giant tidal wave usually ridden down the banks of the Murry by yabbies, inexperienced fishermen and lost crocodiles. Not any more!  No! YOU, YOU will now ride this Tsunami.

We are looking for a game changer. A sub-editor who sees our paper and our website as a blank canvas and has got some serious art to splash across its pages.

Um…I don’t want to tell anyone their job but that’s not usually what a sub-editor does. Sure they might get a pic from Reuters or Shutter stock but they don’t design the layout or get to  “splash art”

That you can work to the highest standard, on time every time, is a given.

But no pressure! 

What we want is someone who sees reports, photographs, graphics and data as a spectacular jigsaw which will ensure the Riverine Herald lights up in print and online.


Like the guy from “A beautiful mind”?

Like the guy from “A beautiful mind”?

We want to grab our readers by the throat and that means every story, every photo and every page has to be a major attention grabber.

Oh….So more like the Zodiac killer then….

Oh….So more like the Zodiac killer then….

Echuca is not the place to hide away or retire; it is an opportunity to really show what you can do – in print and digitally.

And everyone but its citizens and anyone who’s ever been there would agree with that. “Stop drawing attention to our town! we don’t need your de-gi-tal media and your fancy flying yabbies. And don’t you dare do any investigatory reporting. If you do any exposes about what people in the country get up to, you know what I mean *wink* or your new sub-editor will be investigating what happened to his former boss” 

To see what all the fuss is about you can check out the Riverine Herald http://www.mmg.com.au/local-news/echuca. Be warned the actuality of the newspaper might not live up to the hype.


The past is a foreign country..unless it’s Australia in which case it’s closer than you think.

I am a huge fan of retro-futurism. I love all that 1930’s to 1970’s designs of what the future could look like: flying cars, big domes, nice clanky robots getting around everywhere.

"Did you program the car?"..."I thought you did?!"

“Did you program the car?”…”I thought you did?!”


Of course as much as I love retro-futurism, my love pales in comparison to Tony Abbot’s. Although sadly his definition of retro-futurism contains less robots. What he wants is to be living in the years 2020 and yet have a traveller from another land find it indistinguishable from the year 1950. It’s really quite ambitious! Turing Australia into a giant theme park “Welcome to the land of Yesterday!” an animatronic Tony will cry from the entrance, it’s ears detecting the slightest movement.

If I get arrested in the next two months, this will be why.

If I get arrested in the next two months, this will be why.

First we must bring women back in line, oh..no wait. Maybe first we will bring back the white Australia policy? Humm….so much to do. So little time. Bring back corporal punishment? Oh that’s a good idea!

Kevin Donnelly is a right wing whack job. He believes that homosexuality is “Decidedly Unnatural” that the Bible should be taught in public schools and that teachers should have the right to beat children. He is also the guy that Christopher “I’m honestly not a demon in a human suit” Pyne hand-picked to review the national school’s curriculum.

Seriously? Your saying NOT a demon...?

Seriously? Your saying NOT a demon…?

Donnelly who also believes that: “Multiculturalism is based on the mistaken belief that all cultures are of equal worth and that it is unfair to discriminate and argue that some practices are wrong.”

He has said: The [Australian Education Union] argues that gays, lesbians and transgender individuals have a right to teach sex education … and that any treatment of sexual matters should be ‘positive in its approach’ and that school curricula should ‘enhance understanding and acceptance of gay lesbian, bisexual and transgender people’. Forgotten is that many parents would consider the sexual practices of gays, lesbians and transgender individuals decidedly unnatural and that such groups have a greater risk in terms of transmitting STDs and AIDS.”

His raft of insane quotes are a mere Google search away. Also he (somewhat unsurprisingly) believes that corporal punishment is what is missing from our schools. In an interview with 2UE which I believe is a station exclusively listen to by the recently deceased he said:

“There would be no problem with corporal punishment in schools, some places that I know of do it now”

“We had a Scottish phys ed teacher and, whenever there was any discipline problems, he would take the boy behind the shed and say ‘we can either talk about this or you can throw the first punch’,” “He would lose his job now but it was very effective.”

Except it wasn’t. Oh it might have been effective in the short term. Knocking a child half your size out is a very effective way of keeping them quite for an hour or so. However in a large-scale meta-analysis of 88 studies, psychologist Elizabeth Thompson Gershoff, PhD, of the National Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia University, looked at both positive and negative behaviours in children that were associated with corporal punishment. In the analysis, which included 62 years of collected data, Gershoff looked for associations between parental use of corporal punishment and 11 child behaviours and experiences, including several in childhood (immediate compliance, moral internalization, quality of relationship with parent, and physical abuse from that parent), three in both childhood and adulthood (mental health, aggression, and criminal or antisocial behaviour) and one in adulthood alone (abuse of own children or spouse).

Gershoff found “strong associations” between corporal punishment and all eleven child behaviours and experiences. Ten of the associations were negative such as with increased child aggression and antisocial behaviour. The single desirable association was between corporal punishment and increased immediate compliance on the part of the child.

Gershoff cautions that her findings do not imply that all children who experience corporal punishment turn out to be aggressive or delinquent.  But it does show that “Spare the rod, spoil the child” is just plain wrong.

Pesky translation errors...

Pesky translation errors…

I know, I know. Bringing facts to a debate is like bringing a gun to a knife fight….

I mean I know that all that’s just analysed objective science so why should we listen to that when it feels so good to whack a kid who so obviously deserves it eh? I can never shake the feeling that corporal punishment is never for the benefit of the child but exclusively for the immediate reliving of stress on behalf of the person administering it.

And then you get all the people who go “Well I got hit as a kid and it didn’t do me any harm” but I’ll be honest, most of those people are hardly robust examples of good mental health. And thanks for your input but your sample size of ONE is hardly compelling evidence. Also you are not a good judge of your own mental well-being. In plain English, you don’t know if it did you harm and couldn’t gauge the harm it did you accurately if you did. But one of the ways that it might have thrown you off a bit is that you think it’s ok to hit a child.


Violence is ALWAYS a last resort. I can never envisage a situation where it would be employed at a school. In a school context it is admitting that you have lost control of the situation. As Isaac Asimov said “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent”. So it would seem fitting that Kevin Donnelly is advocating it.


5 reasons that being on Centrelink sucks.



As I mentioned in my last post I worked with the long term unemployed for quite a while. In lots of ways it was a good job. I got a lot of job satisfaction from helping people, some people that I assisted in getting jobs still e-mail me. I get an e-card each year on my birthday from a guy who is still grateful that I assisted him in getting him a job 7 years on. A few months ago I got accosted in a café by a guy who told me that I changed his life. He said I was the best coach he’d ever had and the only person in the “system” who had ever actually listened. This is the kind of affirmation that you can’t buy, beg, borrow or steal and it feels freaking good. But there was a reason I left. The system was frustrating, it was depressing too and people who don’t work in it have no clue. There were people who you couldn’t help, people who were desperate but were beaten down by a multitude of factors and who you knew would never get a job.  As I said yesterday basically nobody wants to be on benefits. There are really hundreds of reasons why being in the system sucks but here are my top 5.

Well "adventures" might be overselling it.

Well “adventures” might be overselling it.

5. If you weren’t depressed before you became unemployed….just wait.

There’s been little study done on the long term effects of unemployment what there has been can only say a few things with any certainty. A. Being unemployed isn’t good for your health. And B. The way you became unemployed matters.

Imagine this: You’re a 55 year old let’s say…male. You’re at least 10 years away from retirement but suddenly you get retrenched from your job that you have been doing for the last 35 years. It’s all you have known. You go onto Centrelink. Ok so let’s say that job was manufacturing. Many jobs for that about? No. Its ok you can retrain. So you put some of your savings into retraining. So you have some skills but you’re a bad bet for most employers. Your old, you don’t have communication skills because you’ve never needed them, your resume looks crap because you’ve never written one before. Your last job you just turned up and they gave it to you, trained you on the job. This is all on top of the pain of being fired from the only job you know. Humans hate change, they do irrational things to get away from it. So what now? Well now your 60 your still 5 years away from retirement but you still haven’t got a job. You’ve been in the system for 5 years and it hasn’t been good for you the constant rejection is getting you down. Now that you’re sixty what seemed unlikely 5 years ago, that a company would take on an untried 55 year old seems impossible. So you’re depressed. But being a 60 year old male you deal with it, not with therapy but with drinking. Which just makes it worse.

Think this sounds farfetched? In 2008-2009 when the financial crisis hit and after the 2007 slump I literally saw hundreds of cases like this both male and female. Those that I didn’t see personally I heard about from other people. It was a known quantity. So much so that we ran a special training course for over 50’s. It was profitable. For us. One guy who turned up to my first day of this course bought a goon bag of wine that he tried to share around. This was the most dejected group of people I had ever met.

But depression for the long term unemployed isn’t restricted to the over 50’s almost anyone who’s been unemployed for over a year will be depressed whether it’s been diagnosed or not.



4. “Free money” isn’t free.

Despite getting “Free money” there were very few people I ever saw dancing a jig on payday around Centrelink nor much celebration to be had at all for that matter. To most people each pay day is just a chance to get by, it’s not like they won the lottery. To some it’s also a grating reminder that they just don’t have a job. Like it or not a job is a status symbol in our society. Someone with a job is automatically valued over someone who has no job. It’s where a lot of people gain their significance. Do you think it’s a coincidence that one of the first things that people will ask you when they meet you is “What do you do?” and no matter what kind of pithy answer you have worked out ahead of time saying “Nothing” hurts. Yeah we’ve all heard the stories about dole cheats who are enrolled more than once earning a nice wage. I never, ever saw or heard of one real live example.

And it’s not like you actually can go on Centerlink and then spend the rest of your life playing computer games in peace. You actually do have to look for work, you often have to prove that you’ve been looking for work and then you have your activity agreement. Your activity agreements are enforced by your JSA (Job services agency) and they will hound you till you turn up or dob you in for non-compliance, three non-compliance reports and you payments get suspended. Under your activity agreement you have to turn up to your JSA for interviews once a fortnight, go to training sessions, get coaching, do Work for the Dole or just hang out and job search at the JSA as often as they want you too. They should also provide you with tram tickets, find you jobs you can apply for and can buy you clothes but this is actually really rare. With most JSA employees it’s all stick and no carrot. And that’s when things go well, things like your payments getting cut off for absolutely no reason are COMMON. And then you have to deal with the actual machine which is usually a terrifying descent into madness. EVERYONE will give you contrary information most people will tell you “Not to worry about it” but that will never solve your problem. The right hand never seems to know what the left hand is doing.


3. It turns you into either an irrational arsehole or a hopeless wreck.

Ok so occasionally I heard people saying this “I don’t want a job, I want to be on benefits, the government owes me a living” or words to that effect. When I overheard someone say this after a while I knew two things without looking. A. The person saying it had been on benefits for over two years. B. I had already earmarked them as unemployable. Now it’s sad but you have to make this calls when you are running a coaching business. These people were just too hard to deal with. I don’t have the time or resources to help everyone in the group. So you concentrate on the people you can help. You NEVER heard this from someone who had only been on Centrelink for 3 months. I watched people change their attitudes over time from “I want a job” to “I don’t want a job” over a matter of months. Why? Because no-one wants to be out of control. When you want a job but can’t get one who do you blame? You can blame employers or the market or the government but ultimately most people blame themselves. And you get angry about it. So to take back control the narrative has to change. “Na mate, it’s not that I can’t get a job, it’s that I don’t want one” that is much more comforting than facing the uncomfortable idea that you simply might not be good enough. Or facing contestant rejection. Imagine having a breakup at least twice a week. You’d go mad. But even though this is an acknowledged problem (I talked to many psychologists and councillors in the industry about this and how they might deal with it) nothing gets done about it because it’s in the “Too hard” basket. Most JSA employees are young and don’t get paid much they have a lack of life experience and a lack of motivation to employ the little they do have. It would take real money and real time and effort and expertise to shift these people and those things just aren’t there. The group I worked for was the closest thing that was and we didn’t come cheap and as far as I know we were the only group that offered what we offered.

The older men and women who didn’t want to work? We called the “Mentally retired” the women could usually be shifted into something but the men? Well…..there was a subset of the mentally retired. We called them Zombies, because they literally shuffled. These were guys who had lost their jobs and then their wife’s. A wife to a man of a certain age is important. Not just for companionship and meals and such but as a reality checker. With no-one to talk to and no reality checker they went downhill fast. The worst zombie we dealt with was in Springvale. A man of Indian descent whose wife had died. He came into the center all right but it was obvious his hair hadn’t been combed in weeks. He wore no shoes, his clothes hadn’t been washed and his nails hadn’t been cut in what was probably a year. His resume came with a photo (this is a no-no) but the photo couldn’t have been more than a two year’s old and he looked immaculate smiling and professional. He had apparently been an engineer, he had worked for some big companies in his time. Now he mumbled and seemingly didn’t know what we were saying. “Is this guy ESL?”I asked his case worker thinking he might not speak English. “Oh, no, he’s been like that since a few months after his wife died, he actually has a cute English accent”. We say MANY guys like this although few as bad. Help? Well we did what we could he got intensive coaching and suggested he join clubs like men’s shed but a powerful combination of pride, grief and being completely lost made it difficulty. I hope he’s ok.

Sad but true

Sad but true

2. It makes no sense.

The two times you need benefits the most are when you are just out of a job and when you are about to get one. I had heaps of conversations like this.

Person: “I got a job!!”

Me: “Oh that’s great! I’m so happy for you!”

Person: “I reported it to Centrelink and now they’ve cut off my benefits, but I need to buy a suit, and I need money for transport to my new work and I don’t get paid for a month, but I need to do things like….”eat” in that time….What’s the deal with that?”

Me: “The powers that be are so badly divorced from reality that it’s painful?”

It used to be that if you got a part-time job you could supplement some of your income with that. So you could be on benefits but if you got a short-term job or a job that didn’t pay much or had minimal hours that you couldn’t live on, on its own you wouldn’t die. Then that was changed when Work for the Dole came in. It’s been proven that if you get a part time job on your own that gives you skills especially in the area of work you want that can be incredibly beneficial to your job search. Once you are employed you are more employable. The same is NOT true for work for the dole as it’s usually mindless busy work, no-one will give you a reference and you are not up skilling in your field. Also as you didn’t choose it. It doesn’t help you make contact and it doesn’t help you work on the most important skills for someone out of work, resume and interview skills.

Double Awww..

Double Awww..


  1. You lose skills you once had when you are unemployed and employers know this.

Time management, communication, professionalism, movement to action and a multitude of others are skills like any other. You weren’t born knowing how to tie a tie or be polite to customers. And these are muscles that you have to exercise to be good at them. When you stop doing them for any length of time these muscles atrophy. And when you are out of a professional environment you lose those skills slowly and after a while it becomes obvious in interviews. Some people can fake it will but it’s often easy to spot. Employers don’t want those people. People who can’t be professional grate on everyone who can. Gaining these skills back is difficult outside of work but it’s not impossible but it take discipline something that will probably also take a hit if you don’t work for a while. Some people are self-disciplined and self-motivating. Most people however require a framework to support this. Work is a great framework for that. You need to be somewhere every day and be polite and nice to people usually under stress. When you are unemployed that usually goes away. How many people who are unemployed spring out of bed at the stroke of 8 each morning and go and do something constructive? I don’t have the actual figures in front of me but I’d bet it’s in the low teens. Add a cold morning to that and I’d bet that it dips to single figures. And you might be going “Well I’d totally be one of those people” but try it for a year, try it for two years. No reason to get up? Usually people don’t.

Liberal huh?

I often think about issues that affect a lot of people and I look at the debates that go on in the media and I think to myself “What this debate lacks is someone who has had boots on the ground, someone who has had real experience with this subject, someone who isn’t a politician”. And it rarely gets that. Then the debate about the Abbot Government and disability came along and I went “HEY! In this case that’s me!”

I used to work as a trainer/councillor/coach for VLTU.  The very long term unemployed. This meant that to come to me they needed to be unemployed for at least 56 weeks.

To the JSA’s what we were saying to them was “Give us your hardest nuts, the worst of the worst and we will see if we can get them work” this meant lots of stream 3’s.

Let me explain. When you sign up to be on Centrelink benefits you get “Streamed” this means at your initial interview you will be asked to fill in a questionnaires. And according to the outcome of those filters you will be streamed.

Stream 1: You have a significant chance of getting employment in the next 3 months. Chances are you won’t even receive benefits because you’re a go-getter with no time to waste on red tape. You want a job and you have the skills to get one.

Stream 2: You will probably have no issues getting a job given time, however there is some factor hindering you, this might be the fact that you’re a single mother or that you’re capable but unskilled or you might be really young or quite old.  Chances are thought that you will get a job within the next six months. This will mean you will be in the system for a little while but not forever.

Stream 3: You are at some disadvantage, this could be a multitude of factors like a temporary injury, or it might just be that you were a stream 2 so long that you got re-steamed up to stream 3 after a while. It might be attitudinal or it might be serious. More on Stream 3 later.

Stream 4: You have a significant issue or at significant disadvantage. This is often a mental issue or some kind of physical issue. You might be sick. You might be waiting to go on permanent disability or you might just have come from temporary disability or as part of your agreement you might have agreed to attend groups or coaching as part of your disability. Stream 4’s are viewed as extraordinarily difficulty to get into employment.

But not as difficult as Stream 3’s you see in the industry it is widely acknowledged that most Stream 3’s are undiagnosed Stream 4’s or people who need to be on the Disability Support Pension (which is actually insanely hard to get on) but there is some block, either they don’t self-report of they were initially incorrectly streamed and now cannot be re-streamed (Centrelink stopped the mechanism for re-streaming in my third year of work, so if you believed someone needed to be in a higher or lower stream they could no longer be re-assessed. I can’t find any information to see if they re-activated it).

In my experience when dealing with Centrelink mental illness especially is treated with a great deal of suspicion and without any kind of compassion. “If someone claims that they have anxiety then they could easily be faking it” was their attitude. Yet I would say less than 1 in 50 people that I saw on a regular basis were actually rorting the system. The number of people who actually WANTED to be on benefits was negligible. And remember I was dealing with the worst of the worst. Don’t get me wrong many people had given up hope, many people were depressed many people had been kicked so often that they were scared of hope and the pain it might bring they were despondent but they would have taken a job in a heartbeat. Many people needed an attitude adjustment but you would too if you had been banging your head against a brick wall for years. Many people were clearly mentally ill but since they wouldn’t admit it they couldn’t be handled in any other way.

So basically the filters are broken. And they have been broken for a long time. Basically if everyone who was really a Stream 4 or needed to be on Disability was actually on Disability then the government would have to acknowledge the existence of mental illness which has been against government policy since all the state run facilities were closed down in the 90’s. So instead of fixing the system the Abbot government has decided to just dismantle it and let the chips fall where they may.

I fear that the upshot of this is going to be increased suicide, increased homelessness and increased poverty for those who need assistance the most. I think in five years’ time when we see a new subclass of poor people on our streets people are going to ask what we are going to do about them and I will just point to Abbot. “Him, you should ask him”

People ask where this amenity for the poor or the underprivileged has come from and the answer is simple. They are not profitable. There is this weird notion that Australia is a business. And needs to be run as such. It’s nonsense. Australia is a society. I don’t give my money to the government every year in the hope of a profitable return.

Here is the way it should go.

You, I, WE give the government money.

The government spends that money on programs, ideas, stuff that benefits society as a whole. That’s the actual idea behind the government being given money. They aren’t there to turn a surplus in like a cat bringing me a mouse. A surplus means you didn’t spend all the money I gave you….why the fuck not??!?!

Also how can there be a national government debt of $351,027, 500,000 when every budget has a surplus?

I give them money because I recognise that other people in society aren’t as well off as I am, that they need something like oh I don’t know…support when they are sick or in need and because I’m not a sociopath I think they should have it.  That’s why I put up with being taxed more than nearly any other country on earth. Not so you can sell off things that I bought or so you can give money to entities that can take care of themselves like…oh I don’t know. MINNING. “Oh look I found something in the ground, if I dig it up I get a billion dollars…now I wonder how much the government will give me….” GET FUCKED.

If you are going to do that then I don’t want to give you money any-more.